Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Uggg... I've been horrible this past week. I've had a lot going on including spending all day Sunday working on my mom's computer trying to get rid of a virus.... and I don't even know that much about computers but my mom swears I do lol. I ended up reformatting her harddrive. How does the woman get so many viruses???

Any ways, I promise to have up some more reviews of the Kleancolor Chunky holo series tonight. I'm going to try and get a few posts lined up and ready to go too so I don't get behind on posting again. I also have a post of a recent haul from 7 Mile Fair (huge flea market dealeo) from a couple weeks ago.

Again I am sorry and I will try really hard to not let it happen again. Until later please enjoy this little piece of total cuteness :)
These are my babies (Gir and Stitch) sitting in front of my vanity while I'm getting ready :)

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